maandag 7 december 2015

Did all aliens commit suicide?

It is generally known that our universe contains billions of stars, our sun being one of them. All those stars emit light because of their high temperatures, this also means that life cannot exist on these stars. However, stars have other objects like planets orbiting them, just like in our solar system. You would think some of these planets must have the right conditions to create life, like liquid water and having the correct light level. Eventually these life forms should be able to evolve into more complex organisms and eventually into intelligent species just like humans.

When we look at the time it took for simple life forms to evolve into humans on Earth, it only took 200.000 years, considering the age of the universe: 13.8 billion years which means humans have been around for only 0.01% of the age of the universe. If we are best the universe can do in 13.8 billion years, I’m quite disappointed. There must be some other intelligent life form out there, right? Or maybe there is another explanation for the fact that we’ve never come across any alien.

One idea which I personally really like is the idea of the universe being one big zoo in which one superior race of aliens rules all others. This superior race would be looking at us through huge telescopes, or maybe they would even visit the Earth which would explain UFO’s, just like we visit zoo’s to look at wild animals. Perhaps they even receive old television shows through the satellites we sent into space, this way they study our appearance and behaviour.

Another possibility would be that these aliens aren’t even trying to contact us but they are trying to remain hidden. Why wouldn’t they have the desire to meet other life forms like we humans do? Well, the answer is simple: these aliens were attacked by another alien species which made them think all other life forms are evil and want to destroy them. I’m just kidding, however it could be a possibility, we don’t know. Perhaps they are way smarter than we currently are and that’s the reason they don’t message us. One last possibility which in my opinion is very likely is the fact that these aliens simply don’t have any way of messaging us, their radio signals are not powerful enough.

Something which is completely wicked, but very plausible, is the theory that all species destroy themselves, every single one of them in the end commits suicide. There are a few main possibilities for this to happened, the first being that each intelligent life form creates some sort of mass-destructive technology. However, this is only possible under one condition: this destructive technology must affect every single organism living of the planet and it must also happen to every single civilization. Imagine this would happen on Earth, however a handful of people survive which are then able to reproduce themselves, recreating the Earth’s population. Even if all humans are affected by this ‘’thing’’ but monkeys for example are not, their intelligence could increase again, recreating an intelligent specie.

Of course, the first mass-destructive technology which comes to mind are superweapons. In the end, all life would use their intelligence to create weapons which would be used in one final ‘’World War’’ to eliminate all life on the planet. On Earth this process has already started. In fact, the nuclear war just after World War II, could have been the end of human kind if the nuclear bombings would have kept going. I’m not necessarily saying it needs to be nuclear bombs, for example there have also been experiments with nitrogen bombs which actually did very well. Perhaps there is a substance we don’t have on earth of that will be even better at destroying life. Personally I really like the idea of some acid-bomb that will shoot out all this acid whenever it explodes, anything in the acid’s way will be melted.

A completely different idea is that some kind of plague will evolve which will wipe out all life. There have been some illnesses like the black plague (black death) which wiped out over half of the population in some big cities. Something like this could easily happen again, a new type of virus will destroy human kind and possibly other life forms on Earth. Another option is that some kind of mad scientist creates tiny robots which then destroy everything in their path. Multiple movies have been made about such a plague, imagine if it happens in real life; hell would break loose.

I think either alien species aren’t able to contact us yet because they simply don’t have the technology for it or that all intelligent life forms blow themselves up using mass-destructive bombs. Let me know what you think is true, also if you have any other ideas feel free to leave them in the comments below.